This is my first blog posting! With this blog I want to to share with everyone the various happenings in IP law.
What is IP Law?
"IP" stands for intellectual property. Here in the United States and in many other countries we have the right of ownership to the products of our mind. I think that is pretty awesome you can own the rights to your creations, and sell them if you wish! As with many things legal it's much more complex than that, and IP law is constantly evolving every day.
IP law is one of the foundations this country stands on. It's in the Constitution, known as the Copyright Clause which empowers the United States Congress: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." Thanks to our Founding Fathers, this country has been able to lead the world in sciences and the arts, in large part because their creators are able to protect their interests through intellectual property law.
Who benefits from IP Law?
There are three main parts to intellectual property law and they are copyrights, trademarks, and patents. I will go into each into more detail in the future, and there are a lot of details! Another great thing about IP law, the future is exciting! Who knows what tomorrow my bring? A new lifesaving drug? A heartfelt video that makes you tear? A song you will dance to at your wedding? A TV that reads your mind so you don't have to keep looking for the remote?
There is not one area of our daily lives that intellectual property law does not touch. Somebody's intellectual efforts was required to create everything around you at some point in time. I have always appreciated the creators and innovators: the artists, the musicians, the scientists, the writers, the inventors, the designers.
As you can see intellectual property law is infinitely vast, and pretty damn interesting and awesome that's why I [HEART] IP LAW.
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